I have cooked so much diverse Mexican in just the past three months than ever. And it was all about Fajitas this time around. I have always been bamboozled between how a fajita is different from regular tacos. They are both eaten as DIYs with lots of salsa and freshness. Fajita, however, originally referred to skirt steak, the cut of beef used to make these grilled tacos. Over the years, chicken, meat, beef and even vegetables have replaced the filling. And the seasoning used before grilling often referred to as fajita spice, becomes more important.
Beautifully grilled vegetable fajitas – cauliflower, pepper, onion and zucchini, freshest pico de gallo and herb yoghurt with homemade wholewheat tortillas became a hearty lunch.
Check out all the other Mexican expeditions – Zucchini and carrot fritter tacos, Cauli-meat enchiladas, Burrito bowls, Bean Quesadillas and Breakfast tacos.
In case cauliflower is your jam, check out this surprisingly healthy cauliflower alfredo shell pasta.
Ingredients for Fajitas
- Cauliflower – 1 medium head. approximately 400g
- Choice of bell pepper – 2, big
- Onion – 3, big
- Zucchini – 1 small
- Red chilli powder – 2 tsp
- Roasted cumin powder – 2 tsp
- Garlic powder – 2 tsp
- Coriander powder – 2 tsp
- Salt – to taste
- Olive oil – 2 tbsp
- Whole wheat tortillas, recipe here. Makes 10 6-inch tortillas
- Pico de gallo and herbed yoghurt, recipe here.
- Wash and chop the cauliflower into bite-sized florets. Slice the pepper and onions and chop zucchini into chunky pieces. You can use any vegetable of your choice.
- Mix all the spices in a small bowl – red chilli powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, garlic powder and salt.
- Toss the all vegetables in the spice mix. Drizzle olive oil and make sure all the vegetables are covered in the mix well.
- In a pre-heated oven grill the vegetables at 200 degrees for 45-50 minutes.
The grilled, slightly charred vegetables, put together in a soft shell tacos, freshest salsa and yogurt or sour cream.